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What is QHHT?

With QHHT, within one day, you can find answers within yourself to questions and blockages in your current life and transform this immediately, making your life easier.


I help you to access your subconscious, which we cannot perceive properly but where 95% of our feelings and behaviour are determined. Changing yourself from your consciousness takes a lot of willpower, energy and time. By going straight to the hidden core, you can initiate change very quickly. 


The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique method was developed by Dolores Cannon. The method she developed takes you to a past life or another story of your soul. In that story, you discover how to transform your lessons and recurring themes in this life and apply the new insight to your daily life. 

You also get in touch with the wisest part of yourself, your higher self. This is the part you sometimes feel as your ‘underbelly’ or intuition. From here you feel what decisions are right for you, free from fear and limiting beliefs. This part also accesses a greater knowing that is outside ourselves, the part in touch with universal knowledge. You can let the higher self speak in the hypnosis state without the intervention of the ego. Anything you want to know and what serves you to know, you get answers to.



For whom


For anyone who wants to change something in their life but is not sure how

For anyone who has questions about life events

For anyone who wants to get rid of limiting beliefs or fears

For anyone who wants to improve their relationship with themselves or others

For anyone who has doubts about decisions yet to be made, whether personal or business-related

For anyone who understands that physical symptoms can also be healed with your subconscious mind



For whom not


People who have ever had psychosis are discouraged from going under hypnosis. 

I am not a therapist and do not treat anyone for complex mental illnesses. However, we can explore the questions during the session as described above.

You must be 18 years of age or older.

You must be able to come to me in person, or in special cases vice versa. I do not offer online sessions.


Dolores Cannon was a hypnotherapist, author and speaker, she lived from 1931 to 2014. She studied various hypnosis methods, developing her own technique that allowed her to access her clients' soul knowledge very quickly. In total, she has written 17 books on this knowledge that have been translated into more than 20 languages.


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