Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
What I can do for you with QHHT
I'm your Inner Tour Guide
With QHHT, within one day, you find answers within yourself to questions and blockages in your current life. You transform this immediately, making your life easier.
I help you gain access to your subconscious, which we cannot perceive properly but where 95% of our feelings and behaviour are determined. Changing yourself from your consciousness takes a lot of willpower, energy and time. By going straight to the hidden core, you can initiate change very quickly.
Deep emotions and beliefs that no longer serve us are transformed with this method. QHHT allows you to ask your higher self all the questions you have about your past, present and future. All the answers are within you.
I allow you to safely travel within yourself.
Why regression hypnosis
It can help with
Personal growth
This method is going to help you achieve your goals and improve your life by accessing your subconscious mind and changing negative thinking patterns.
Pain control
Hypnosis helps manage pain and symptoms. It reduces by changing the cause in your subconscious from where the symptoms started.
It helps manage stress and tension by creating new insights and beliefs.
Regression hypnosis helps manage anxiety, reduce and change negative thinking patterns.
It offers support in overcoming addiction by changing the way your subconscious perceives the addictive substance or behaviour.
Hypnosis helps heal past emotional wounds and overcome trauma by accessing your subconscious and facilitating the release of negative emotions.
However, I will never deliberately take you back to a traumatic moment.
Book a session with Maartje
Contact Info
Changing practice address in the Eindhoven region